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Models are always in the hottest fashion trends, right? Well, our agency would very firmly tell us if we weren't (I'm not bitter!!) Most models I know spent a great deal of time shopping, and for good reason. The pressure to be cool-but-effortless, stylish-but-not-trying-too-hard, is very real. Our look is everything, and making a good impression from the moment a casting agent sees us is tres important. So behold, a quick look at some model fashion staples from the eyes of a sarcastic me. Warning: sarcasm ahead.

All Black Everything

Here's a true classic. Skin tight black from head to toe, paired with classic nikes and a leather jacket. Comfy, stylish, and just perfect to show off your protruding hip bones.

You know she's a real model when she has a giant bag (for her portfolio) and headphones to block out all the catcalls.

Photo from tumb

Legs for days

What better way to show off your spray tanned legs than a mini? Nothing screams "I'm hot (and uncomfortable)" quite like it.

And a model is never seen without a pair of hot sunglasses (to hide the hangover bags.)

Photo from

Ma'am is that a bear on your back?

If you're fur coat takes up less than three spaces on the subway, it's clearly not big enough. And what better way to compensate for being extremely cold all. the. time.


The lazy girls BFF

You've never known joy until you find a jumpsuit sans cameltoe. When that sweet spot is found, you'll bet it's a models staple. It makes you look taller, and it feels like pajamas. Win-win.

Creds to

And finally, no model related list is complete without a meme from our lord and saviour, @shitmodelmgmt on instagram.

Whoever runs that site... I owe you my life. K, not really but bless.

-Xo Lex

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